Coach: Mark Burgess
Asst Coach:
Keegan Burgess
Spencer Rousseau
Weston Goode
Kai Buchholtz
Rudra Bhalothia
Elizabeth Speers

Co Coach: Brooklyn Pyatt
Co Coach: Liv Lawrence
Scarlett Bernabe
Ollie O'Sullivan
Paige Poulter
MacArthur Maunu
James Hummel
Lucas Pringle
Jadenroi Bautista
Coach: Alison Stortz
Asst Coach:
Cohen Coombs
Leo Stortz
Hudson Langohr
Pacifique Fataki
Hunter Thompson
Hannah Hernandez
Nashvyn Vandeyar

Coach: Meredith Schultz
Coach: Randy Schultz
Charlie Schultz
Owen Robert Osazee
Tidus Nguyen
Alex Schneider
Rowan Feairs
Bryson Howard
Benji Wiebe

Coach: Tyler Ball
Asst Coach: Lyndsey Ball
Roan Ball
Oakley Ball
William Chen-Martyn
Malakai Clyke
Chase Tryon
Tahlia Waite
Easton Gough

Coach: Alison Remy
Sullivan Daynard
Adalyn Schmidt
Autumn Greene
Caleb Prevett
Aisha Perry
Jacob Paraiso
Isaiah Hutson
Schedule is subject to change - Always check on game day!
All games at JOHN WISE PUBLIC SCHOOL unless otherwise noted
March 2nd
12:10 - Skills
12:40 - Talbot Trail Physiotherapy vs Graham Scott Enns
1:30 - E&L Creations vs Elgin Community Activities
2:20 - The Chiropractic Clinic vs Railway City Pet Services
March 9th - OFF - MARCH BREAK
March 16th - OFF - MARCH BREAK
March 23rd
12:10 - Skills
12:40 - E&L Creations vs The Chiropractic Clinic
1:30 - Railway City Pet Services vs Graham Scott Enns
2:20 - Talbot Trail Physiotherapy vs Elgin Community Activities
March 30th
12:10 - Skills
12:40 - Railway City Pet Services vs The Chiropractic Clinic
1:30 - Elgin Community Activities vs E&L Creations
2:20 - Talbot Trail Physiotherapy vs Graham Scott Enns
April 6th
11:40 - E&L Creations vs Graham Scott Enns
12:30 - Talbot Trail Physiotherapy vs The Chiropractic Clinic
1:20 - Elgin Community Activities vs Railway City Pet Services