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League is draft style, meaning each team will consist of beginner players to skilled players.


All teams will play one game per week, there are no practices.


All players will receive a game jersey which is mandatory wear for every game, and must be returned at season end. The replacement cost for a jersey is $47.


Every team will have a coach.


Full statistics will be taken.


Grass Roots JK/SK and Super Junior Grade 1/2 plays 3 on 3, Elementary level plays 4 on 4, High School plays 5 on 5.​


​If there is ever a discrepancy with other players, spectators/parents/guardians/general admittance, you are not allowed to approach that player. Reach out to me and I will reach out to their parents/guardians. The same rule applies to coaches: if you have an issue with a coach or any other staff/league helper, please let me know.




- Game length is four 6 minute quarters, which is split up into 3 minute shifts

- Players at this level have troubles following the expectations of being on the floor for their shift, so if they do come to the bench, another player will be put in

- Equal play will be followed to the best of the coach’s ability. If a child says they do not want to go back on, the coach will definitely encourage them to play, but they can’t force them

- If teams have too many players, an extra shift will be added to the game – sometimes this happens when I have a couple of extra kids on the waitlist and I give them the opportunity to play


- Game length is four 8 minute quarters, which is split up into 4 minute shifts

- Players will get equal play time to the best of the coach’s ability

- Time outs can only be called by coaches

- Straight run time on clocks. Time only stops on time outs and free throws. There is stop time on all whistles under 1 minute in the first half and under 2 minutes in the 2nd half. Then stop time under 1 minute in the 2nd half on all baskets and whistles.

- Players are allowed 5 fouls per game, or 2 technical fouls per game. If 2 technical fouls are called, the player will be ejected and suspended for the next game.


​- Man to man defence only at the elementary level. No zone defence. Double teams allowed.

- Zone defence allowed at the High School level.

- Full court press only allowed in last quarter (7th & 8th shifts) at the elementary level.

- High School is allowed full court all game.


GRASS ROOTS JK/SK – Travels are not called; Double dribbles are not called; No over and back

SUPER JUNIOR 1/2 – Lenience given for travelling; very little lenience given for double dribbles; No over and back

JUNIOR 3/4 – Very little lenience will be allowed for travelling; all double dribbles called; 3 in the key not called; Over and back called

INTERMEDIATE 5/6 – No lenience for travelling or double dribbles; 3 in the key is taught

SENIOR 7/8 – Games are called tight at this level. They get the rules of the game, and have gained enough coordination to be able to control their feet during play

- 8 second half court rule in effect

- If a player is fouled in the act of shooting, he/she will get to shoot free throws. Free throw lineup will not be allowed to go for a rebound until the ball is released from the hand of the shooter. No free throws at the Grass Roots or Super Junior levels.


Teams are made as balanced as possible. This means there will be a good mix of high skilled players and low skilled players on each team. Sometimes teams will only have their best players show up, to face up against a team that only has their bottom players show up. This needs to be assessed at the start of the game by the coaches. They will have to make a decision:

  1. Forfeit, get a good player from the other team, and play a good fun game

  2. Try their best, knowing what they’re getting into

  3. Ask a player from another team to play to help balance the teams. The player has to be agreed on by the other coach.

In the event a team goes up by 15 or more points, full court defence is NOT allowed. The refs will recognize this and call the defence back.

All other general basketball rules apply.


  1. ***ABUSE*** - There is no tolerance for any type of abuse. These leagues are recreational. They get competitive, and all the kids want to win, but the main purpose of these leagues is to have fun, get exercise, make friends and be social, and to learn and get better at the game we love! If you have a problem with the officiating, please keep in mind that I train all my refs at the elementary level. The main thing they need to learn is confidence. If somebody yells from the stands, that confidence goes right out the window. Please come to me (Jesse) if you have any issues, or if you see anything else the refs should be working on. If it is going to be a heated conversation, I ask that you take 24 hours before you contact me.

  2. These leagues are recreational and should be treated as such. There is no reason to yell from the stands at kids, referees, coaches, or other staff. If there is any problem at all, bring it to the attention of the convenor. If there is a problem with the score, ask a referee to do a score check during a dead play. Spectators yelling at refs, coaches, or other staff will be asked to leave. If you can’t conduct yourself in a respectful manner, don’t come to the games.

  3. Racial or cultural slurs are grounds for permanent ejection from the league.

  4. If a child did something to your child that you didn’t like, please do not ever approach that child. Bring it to my attention and I will do what I can to take care of it.

  5. The only people who should be near the score table during a game are the people working it and the participants in the game. Everybody else needs to be in the viewing section of the court. The scorekeepers job is tough and they need to be able to concentrate, and always see what is happening on the floor. Please don’t be a distraction to them.

  6. Players/Coaches/Score staff/Referees are the only people permitted on the court or benches. Everybody else needs to be in the viewing section of the court. At Parkside, the viewing section is the side with the seating/stands. At the Joe Thornton Arena, it is up in the mezzanine. No spectators should be down on the main level to watch the game.

  7. Other players/spectators are not permitted to go on the court and shoot around between shifts, halftime, during time outs, etc. You can shoot during your game time.

  8. JERSEYS – All players are required to wear their team jersey. At the elementary level, if you forgot your jersey, a technical foul will result. At the High School level and higher, a first time offence results in a technical foul, and second time you will not be allowed to play in that game.

    1. ​​​Replacement cost of jerseys is $47. Please keep in mind that I own and need to monitor over 500 jerseys. It is your responsibility. If it comes back with rips, stains, etc, or if you lose it, I will have to replace it. I really don’t want to charge you a replacement fee, so please take care of your jersey!

    2. It is your responsibility to return your jersey at the end of the season. Your coach will collect them on the final league day. Be prepared to remove your jersey and have another shirt ready. If you’re not able to give me your jersey after the final game, you will be expected to drop it off at my house.

  9. NO JEWELLERY – Jewellery is not permitted during game time. Please make sure you are not wearing earrings, bracelets, chains/necklaces, smartwatches. NOTE – If you wear a smartwatch to track your steps, it works in your pocket, or you can put a wristband over it. ALSO NOTE – if you wear earrings or piercings that cannot be removed, you will need to put tape or bandaids over them.

    1. MEDICAL ALERT bracelets or necklace/chains are permitted. Please let us know if you are wearing one.

  10. If a team is getting blown out, do what you can to encourage the team that is losing. It’s already tough enough when they’re getting destroyed – cheering them on for any kind of good play will help raise morale. Everybody wants to see a good game!

  11. Technical Fouls:

    1. At the elementary level, if you receive a technical foul, the refs will decide the level of it:

      • Low – just a regular technical foul

      • Medium – the player sits the rest of the half

      • High – the player sits the rest of the game

      • At the High School level, technical fouls will be treated as normal. 2 T’s and you’re ejected from the game.

      • Things like yelling, slamming the ball, clapping in someone's face, verbal abuse, swearing, etc. will get you a technical foul. Just don’t do it and you won’t get one. 2 Technical fouls will result in ejection from the game, plus a 1 game suspension.​​

  12. People who are hanging out at the gym – remember that we’re here for basketball. Please don’t bring your drama to the court. If I hear about any misconduct, I’m going to ask you to leave. This is mostly directed at the kids coming and hanging out, watching games.

  13. No smoking/vaping allowed on the property. At all. Not even a little bit. Not even if you go over behind the dumpster where nobody can see you. There are cameras. And I’m not losing my contract because you need to have a smoke.

  14. Do not enter the building with drugs, weapons, or anything else that would get you in trouble with the law. If the law says no, don't bring it to the gym.

  15. Have fun and enjoy the game, win or lose!

Men's & Women's League Rules

All regular basketball rules in effect.

- Captains are only there to manage communication with their team.

- No substitutions on the fly. Wait for a whistle and a call in from the ref. The refs are also good at seeing when somebody needs a sub and will blow the whistle for you.

- League will not be governed by equal time. It is up to the team as a whole to ensure all players get equal playing time.

- Game time is 4 ten minute quarters.

- All stats taken are a luxury. If there is a discrepancy with any of the stats on the sheet, just remember that what is up on the scoreclock is what is correct.

- Clock will be runtime except for time outs, and all whistles under 1 minute in the 2nd quarter, and 2 minutes in the 4th quarter.

- This is a competitive/recreational league. It is meant for a good time and good exercise. Please, if there is a problem with the reffing, they are human beings, have a conversation with them like a human being. There is no tolerance for abuse of the officials.

Technical Foul Breakdown (per game):


1st - 1 free throw for other team and retain possession.

2nd - Player is ejected from game and suspended 1 additional game.

2nd ejection - Multiple game suspension.

3rd ejection - Ejection from league.

Free Throws - Upon last free throw, players enter for rebound after shooter releases ball.

Jerseys: Jerseys are mandatory for games. If you do not have your jersey or have a matching shirt at game time, your team will be charged a technical foul.

Season will consist of 15 games including playoffs.

Playoffs - A regular playoff tree will be used for all leagues. Every team will play an equal number of playoff games.

Let's have a fun season!

© 2013 by Elite Stars Elgin. Proudly made by Jesse Foster.

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